Today, I went out. Alone. I was alone. Yes! I was alone at first. And I feel terrible.
I had given hints to my boyfriend two days ago that I would be going out today so that it might give him an idea that I wanted him to come with me. He never bothered to ask where I'll be going nor ask if he can come. At first, I tried to understand. Maybe, he doesn't have money. Maybe he's tired of going out with me. These maybes put my questions to rest.
There were several scenarios of the same story. They were always between me and his friends. I feel bad about it. I want to meet his friends like I want him to meet every single friend that I have. I want to be close to them. I want to mingle with them and hang out with them. But he never gave me a good chance to do so.
Whenever he goes out with his friends, it would always be him and them only. Never us. It's hard to accept that he always prioritizes his friends while leaving me behind. He easily turn my invites down but he's shaking for excitement whenever his friends ask him out. I find it very unfair. I feel so helpless against his friends.
Sometimes, he doesn't even tell me that they are going out. I'll just find it myself by seeing some pictures or hearing it from our common friends. I feel really really really bad about it because I never wanted to be the last person to know what my boyfriend is doing.
There are some things I did today that I'm very proud of, despite my queries, doubts, anger and disappointment, I managed to pull it through out the day with them. I cried in the bathroom for 30mins. Then, I fixed myself and went back to them like nothing happened. I put a big smile on my face and I cracked some jokes. I even shared some stories. I kept all the bad things inside of me. And I'm happy I did it. I hope someone can notice and appreciate what I did for my love for him. It's hard to keep everything away. Especially if that "everything" means a lot to you.